Help Page

Here are some solutions to common technical problems. If you can’t find a solution, please visit our FAQ Page or submit a support request.

Forgot Password

Forgot your password? No worries! You can request a new password here and you will be automatically sent a link (expires within 1 hour) to set a new password.

Make sure to use the email address that you registered with. If you forgot your username/would like to change your email contact us.

Not Receiving Password Reset

There could be one of three reasons why you’re not receiving the reset password email:

1) The email address that you are using is not registered to an Auction Central account.

  • Make sure to use the email address that you registered with. If you forgot your username/would like to change your email contact us.


2) The email is being filtered into your junk/spam folder.

  • Check your junk/spam folder and make sure to mark Auction Central as a safe sender.


3) Your email service provider is blocking the email from reaching your inbox.

Not Receiving Any Emails From Auction Central

There could be one of two reasons why you’re not receiving our emails:

1) Our emails are being filtered into your junk/spam folder.

  • Check your junk/spam folder and make sure to mark Auction Central as a safe sender.


2) Your email service provider is blocking the email from reaching your inbox.


If you still are not receiving emails from us after following these steps, it is likely that your internet service provider (ISP) has blocked us as a sender.

If you would like to change your email contact us.

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